

I wonder how many people dream to have successful and growing careers. I wonder how many of them want to be remarkable in their workplace. I wonder how many of them commit to have legacy at their own right that can be always remembered. I wonder how many of them dream big as much as I dream exaggerations. I wonder how many of them express their discontentment on their impressive achievements. I wonder how many of them want to initiate change. I always wonder...
When I enter an organization, I always bring high hopes, dynamic drive, spontaneous passion and commitment in me and expect to share the same spirit with others. I am optimistic that every hour is worthy of staying and learning. I am a contributor that wants to take every step to a higher level of growth and precision. I am a revolutionary. There is a part of me that jostles against inappropriate culture and norms. Inappropriate culture that hinders development, and norms that deprive the rule of new beneficial expectations and actions.  

Unconventional. That is the idea. 
Now that I am part of an organization, where do I stand?
At this moment, I stand at the edge. I want to question their rule and expectations. I want to question their ability to cope with a drastic change of technical development. I want to see their ability to accept change. I want to scrutinize their plans on how they will invest not only in the future of the organization but also in the machinery that boosts the production of their valuable goods. I want to know the basis of accepting qualified people. I need to comprehend how they value people. I need to know the answers to the puzzling questions that can trigger a sudden turn down of events that may affect the organization in a blitz.  

But for now, I can do my observations. Examine the prevailing atmosphere. Do my job at best. Invest in my own development. Do my part.
Afterwards, if things are still the same, radical change may crawl without signs.

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